Authorization for Publication of Images
Sending material photos / videos / texts via the "comments module" present on this site or by email or other sending tool, the user (better described as the person who sends the photo / video material), declares under its own responsibility to be the owner of all rights relating to the material uploaded and expressly authorizes the QUALCOSAdiBLU company for the following uses:
acquire, archive and preserve the material in its archives, of use directly or through third parties having cause, even for commercial purposes, to publish and disseminate the images / videos that portray him / her, without limits of modality, time and space, in Italy and abroad, with every and broadest possibility of adaptation / modification and assembly that may be necessary / appropriate.
The user having acknowledged the publication / use of the images concerning him / her in the manner described above, declares that he has nothing to claim against the Company for damage to his name and / or image that may derive from a harmful use of the same by of third parties.
The right to use the images, photographs, videos, recordings as specified above, is to be understood free of charge with express waiver of any and all claims in this regard.
In particular, the user
to be the author as well as the exclusive owner of the rights of economic use of the photographs sent by him with particular reference to the subjects depicted and, in any case, to be able to freely dispose of them;
if the photos have been previously published, not to have transferred or, in any case, to have reacquired the rights subject to this authorization and, therefore, to be able to freely dispose of them;
that the use of such photos is not likely to violate, either in whole or in part, the rights of third parties, and that their contents are not contrary to the law;
that, just as stated above, in the event and to the extent that the photos contain or incorporate works or other protected materials, or publish or reveal in any way elements, data, news or information on which third parties can claim rights, the Author has previously acquired a valid and effective title for the use of such protected works or materials and / or for the publication of such elements, data, news or information;
to substantially and procedurally indemnify the QUALCOSAdiBLU company, and its legal representative and to keep them harmless from any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense, including legal fees, deriving from or in any way connected to claims or disputes by third parties, relating to the use of the photos;
that for the right to use the images no compensation is and will not be required, meaning such concessions made completely free of charge.